Wednesday, August 3, 2011

how to fix broken GNOME-3??

if you are a gnome-3 user like me, you might also be experiencing some troubles like "failed to laod session gnome-3" when you update with the gnome-3 ppa. the laziest method is to sit back and wait for some new updates from gnome-3 or you can purge gnome-shell (purge means removing all the files created by the it) and then install it again. execute these .

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade // to check for some last moment updates
sudo purge gnome-shell
sudo install gnome-shell

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Solution to TERMINAL

Q1). list all file within a directory which have a vowel anywhere in their name.

$ls *[aeiou]*.

Q2).name any two shells used in linux.


Q3). create a directory with no read , write and execute permissions.

$mkdir unixrape
$chmod 000 unixrape

Q4). create a command of your own which prints say "Unix Rape".

create and compile a C program to print "Unix Rape".
rename a.out to say vikash.
type $PATH @ command line to get a list of the paths.
copy your new executable to one of these.
type command name( here it is vikash) and see for the result.

Q5).find out whether there is a windows partition or not in your hard-disk.

$fdisk -l

see for the output.

Q6). suppose there is no windows entry in your boot menu, but you know that you have windows installed on a partition, execute appropriate commands to boot into windows.

step 1: $fdisk -l
step 2: find out windows partition
step3: restart the machine.
step4: go to grub command line.
step 5: type rootnoverify (hd0,1) or whatever partition you have windows installed on.
step6: type chainloader +1
step7: type boot.

and you are done.
the machine will boot into windows.

Q7).shutdown "GDM" and make yourself available to the command line interface only.

$/etc/init.d/gdm stop
now press ctrl+alt+f3;
and you are done.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

linux root hack

another way to hack into your linux is using a live linux cd to do all the things for you.


1). $fdisk -l
2). get the partition having linux installed say /dev/sda2.
3). mount the partition over say /mnt.

$sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt

4).now do this

$cd /mnt
$chroot /dev/sda1

5). the above mentioned steps change your root the root of the linux partition i.e. the actual partition that has linux installed. and to change your password.

enter new password and confirm it.

6). reboot the system and log in with your new password

note: carefully note that this process of getting the root password or something is meant for educational purposes only and you should not exploit your cclab or school computers using this untill you have got permission to do it.

best of luck.

Unix Rape

linux root hack

you want to hack into a root account , so i suppose you are not a new-bie, i would like top skip the preachy things and start with the steps. be careful to use this backup any concerned file so that you don't end up screwed with your preety machine.

step 1:
if you are using a dual boot , go to the linux entry, you want to reset the password for.

Step 2: press e to edit the default entries prior to boot in linux.

step 3: go to the kernel arguments and append a single after it.

step 4: press 'b' to boot the new configuration.

step 5: now you 'll find urself dropped to the root shell prompt. change the password of root using 'passwd' command. to change password for any other user type passwd ccuser (suppose).

step 6: enter the new password, confirm it and then type exit.

the files you need to backup if you wish to is /etc/shadow.

note: carefully note that this process of getting the root password or something is meant for educational purposes only and you should not exploit your cclab or school computers using this untill you have got permission to do it.

this works fine on the grub version prior to grub 2. but i havenot tested it for the new one. ah!!!! i am kind of lazy , and i don't have much time to read the new grub documentation.

but well if you happen to do so. feel free to give comments to my post.

for the securing part of others using this information to access your system. create a password in the grub menu.allow users to select and boot listed entries but don't allow them to edit them.

best of luck.

Unix Rape